We’re nearly three-quarters of the way through 2019, and if you’re anything like we are, you’re surprised by how fast it went. Aside from slowing down time (we’re still working on that one), the only thing we can do is try to make the last few months of the year count. In our humble opinion, that means stopping to savor the moment, making joy a priority, and being efficient in our work so we can spend time away from it. Conveniently enough, our best blog posts from the year can help us do just that.
Below you’ll find our seven best blog posts of 2019 so far. Revisit the ones you loved the most or catch up on the ones you missed. However you do it, the tips in these posts can help you enjoy the months ahead and feel happier in your everyday life.
We can’t think of a better way to start the season.
Our Best Blog Posts of 2019 So Far, According to You
Before we get started, we should say one thing—we didn’t choose these posts. You did. We took a look at the articles that our readers engaged with the most this year and put them together in one spot. We hope they inspire you to live better this fall; in fact, we hope they inspire us too.
Here are the best blog posts we’ve put out this year.
1. 11 Things You Need to Have a Productive Day
Being productive can be hard. It’s not an exact science, and our brains aren’t meant to stay focused on one task for extended periods of time. But there are some science-backed strategies for keeping your productivity up. What’s even better? There are also tools that can make applying these strategies way easier. This post explores 11 of them.
Use them to hit your most important tasks this season and spend less time scrambling in the office. And that means more time doing the things that bring you joy. Win-win.
2. Starting a Workout Routine? Here’s How to Make it Happen
If you entered 2019 with big goals to get active and fell short, worry not. There’s still time to make fitness part of your routine this year. And this article will show you exactly how to do it.
Aside from the physical benefits of moving more, you get mental boosts too. So it’s worth taking this goal on again to help keep you happy all fall and into the holiday season.
3. 9 Good Reads to Inspire You
We’re not surprised that this article topped our best blogs of 2019 so far. After all, it’s always a good idea to have a book on hand. It’s an even better idea to have one that helps you feel inspired, motivated, and joyful. The nine books in this post come at inspiration from a variety of angles, from a children’s book to a book narrated by death to a collection of poetry celebrating everyday items.
The reads here will help you look forward with excitement and savor where you are with joy—a wonderful reminder that a happy life is already in our hands if we pay attention to it.
4. 7 Easy Ways to Build a More Positive Mindset
Shifting our perspective to focus on the good takes a little bit of work. Luckily, it’s worth it. So if you’re looking to get in a better headspace this fall, this is the article you need.
Filled with easy (and we mean easy) ways to rewire your brain for positivity, this article will help you fully appreciate everything that’s going right in your year, priming you to live happier straight through the holidays and beyond.
5. What is Organization? How to Declutter and Organize Your Life
Next on our list of best blog posts from 2019 thus far? Clutter. And for good reason— research suggests that organization affects your stress levels, and as we all know, stress is the opposite of creating a more joyful end of the year. So this post, breaking down organization and evidence-based ways to stay on top of your clutter, is the perfect way to take on both.
And we’re going way beyond physical clutter here. Mental clutter (i.e., when your brain is ping-pinging so loud you can’t think straight) needs managing too. Find out ways to keep your mind and space from getting the best of you so you can enjoy your fall.
6. How to Stop Feeling Guilty for Not Getting “Enough” Work Done
There’s nothing quite like work guilt to ruin our peace in our off hours. Those nagging feelings of not doing enough can seem impossible to manage, yet doing so is essential for our happiness both in and out of the office. So what can you do?
Start with this article. In it, you’ll find everything you need to know about work guilt in order to put an end to it for good. Oh and expert-backed ways to do it, too. So you can leave your work at work and enjoy your time off.
7. 3 Ways Being Too Busy Hurts Your Productivity
There are other things aside from work guilt that keep you from enjoying your time off. One culprit? Being too busy to be productive during your worktime. If you feel like you’re constantly running around but not actually getting anything done, this post is for you.
In addition to why being busy busts up your productivity, we also provide research-backed ways to deal with it. Your season just got a little less hectic, a lot more productive, and, dare we say, happier?
Your turn: In your opinion, what are the best blog posts we’ve written this year? The worst? Tell us more in the comments!
For more ways to enjoy the rest of the year, check out our guide on leaving work at work and learning to relax.

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