If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that we’re big proponents of gratitude, and for good reason—it’s a scientifically-supported happiness strategy that doesn’t require much more from you than consistency, a pen, and an open mind. There are so many ways to tap into the power of gratitude that you’re bound to find one that works for you. We just so happen to have 56 of those ways right here. Yup, we’re that committed.
59 Ways to Tap Into the Power of Gratitude
Here are 59 ways to feel the power of gratitude in your life. Once you find one that clicks with you and practice it consistently, you might feel a little happier in your life. Just by taking the time to celebrate what’s already in it.
We can’t talk about the power of gratitude without taking a moment to define what gratitude actually is—according to science, of course. In this article, we break down the definition and then show you five easy and actionable strategies to incorporate gratitude into your life asap. Whoever said the basics were boring?
Now that you know what gratitude is, it’s time to take a quick crash course. This article gives you all you need in order to take your gratitude know-how to the next level. With two tools that can make gratitude a habit and two, scientifically-approved tips for expressing your appreciation, you’re on your way to a gratitude practice that sticks.
It’s one thing to know what gratitude is. It’s another thing entirely to be able to feel it. And we mean really feel it. Thankfully, that’s what this article is all about. Follow these five steps to cultivate a feeling of gratitude that lasts long beyond a thank you.
Sometimes, we’re good at feeling grateful, but we’re not so good at expressing it. On top of that, we often forget that expression isn’t a one-size-fits-all thing. In light of that, this article gives you a step-by-step process to express your gratitude and five unique approaches to doing so. In other words, writing letters isn’t the only way to tap into the power of gratitude. And we’re totally on-board with all of them.
Need some inspiration to practice gratitude? We could all use a little reminder of what gratitude gives us and why we’re so committed to making it part of our lives. That’s where these quotes come in. Keep them on hand to appreciate the good in your world, even on tough days.
You probably have a list of people who you’re really, really grateful for—family, friends, partners, children, puppies. (Puppies always make our list.) If you really want to wow them, try one of these 10 ways to demonstrate your appreciation. Don’t let the Mother’s Day angle fool you here. From gifts to gestures, these expert-backed suggestions make gratitude something we can all practice and savor.
Research and experts provide validity to this whole gratitude thing. But what does gratitude mean to real people living real lives? We wanted to find out, so we asked our readers to tell us what they’re most grateful for. Their responses, and ours too, will inspire you to look at the big and small things that make your life worth living. Just as it is.
To really feel the power of gratitude, you need to sit with it. Let it slide over you and notice what happens to your brain and body. Need a little help getting there? Our meditation teacher makes it easy to savor the things you’re grateful for in this eight-minute, guided gratitude meditation. Feeling thankful never felt more relaxing.
If writing gratitude letters or cards is your method of choice, the New York Times makes a strong case for sending it by mail. As in physical mail, not email. This small gesture makes more of a difference to recipients than we think, says research. And the benefits go both ways. Check it out and consider sending a real letter the next time you want to thank someone.
Your turn: Have you experienced the power of gratitude in your life? Tell us how you tap into it in the comments.
Feeling inspired? Keep those feelings going with our most inspirational podcasts of 2018.

Author: Chelsey Taylor
Chelsey likes words, especially adjectives, and has been perfecting her perfectionism since infancy. She’s an endorphin-gatherer, top-knot connoisseur, and content manager at Panda Planner.
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