You know what makes us even happier than podcasts? Podcasts about happiness. Yes, that's right: Happiness podcasts do exist. And they’re designed to make your life better and more fulfilling. The best ones are also enjoyable to listen to, which is a happiness-booster in itself. Ready to find out nine of our favorite happiness podcasts? Let’s get started. 9 Happiness Podcasts …Continue Reading
Happiness How To
13 Ways to be Happier This Summer
Summer is almost here, and for those of us living in places with long winters (looking at you, Boston), it's a huge thing to celebrate. While there are some scientific reasons our moods lift in warmer weather, summer isn't a magic fix. The good news here, though, is that longer, sunnier days lend themselves to activities that do increase our joy (it's easier to spend time …Continue Reading
8 Gratitude Apps to Boost Your Happiness Now
In today’s world, taking time to acknowledge everything we’re thankful for can be tough. Do we spend a full day each year at the end of November counting our blessings over stuffing and a turkey? Yes. But do we make a habit it of doing this on a regular basis, when cranberry sauce isn’t involved? Not likely. That's why it helps to have tools at your fingertips that make …Continue Reading
Why is Nature Important to Happiness?
From forest bathing to Thoreau, from your friends who practically live at REI and even this site, you’ve probably heard a lot about the benefits of nature for your well-being. But why is nature important to happiness? In honor of Earth Day, let's dig into the answers, according to science, and talk about a few ways you can get your nature time, even with your busy schedule. …Continue Reading
7 Easy Ways to Build a More Positive Mindset
Ever find yourself pointing out all that could go wrong—or has already gone wrong—and struggling to break out of it? The negativity cycle, or the negative Nancy state, as we call it around here, can be a tough one to interrupt once you get started. But it doesn't have to be. There are some easy ways to pursue a positive mindset before your negative vibes get the best of you. …Continue Reading