Have you ever wanted to know how to be happier right now? And really emphasized the "right now" part? As in doing something that can affect your happiness levels in-the-moment, rather than waiting for long-term benefits. (And don't get us wrong, those are important too. We're just not focusing on them here.) If you've been reading for awhile, you probably already know that …Continue Reading
Happiness How To
How to Increase Happiness With Science-Backed Strategies
Here's how to increase happiness, according to Aristotle—depend on yourself. And this is way before we decided our joy must surely rely on job titles and #couplegoals. The idea that we can simply choose to be happy is a popular one, and for good reason—it puts the reigns to a more blissful life in our own hands. And shocker, it’s actually true; science shows that some of our …Continue Reading