Finding good Father’s Day gifts is tough. Like, putting together Ikea furniture tough. And yet, with each year that rolls around, the challenge is on once again. Well, this year things just got a whole lot easier, because we’re here to help. Don’t settle for novelty ties or useless gadgets: These 11 (truly) good Father’s Day gifts will make Dad (or any other important man in your life) happier, healthier, and more productive.
Good Father’s Day Gifts to Make Your Dad’s Life Better
Below you’ll find both the gist of the gift and a specific product to make the choice even easier. So pick the one that would mean the most to the important man in your life and cross this one off your to-do list. And just a heads-up, we’re not affiliated with these companies, except for Panda Planner. We just think these products could help your dad reclaim some of his time and energy, which is what good Father’s Day gifts are all about.
1. A sunrise alarm clock
No one likes to sleep soundly, only to be shocked awake by a foghorn blowing in their ear. That’s where a sunrise alarm, also called a wake-up light, comes in handy. For one thing, it stops you from using your phone as an alarm clock. (Looking at your phone before you sleep is exactly what not to do in your night routine if you want to sleep peacefully). And secondly, it simulates sunrise with a light that gradually increases, giving you a gentle, natural wake-up each morning. Goodbye, grumpiness.
Try this: Philips Wake-Up Light Alarm Clock
2. A subscription to a meditation app
Does the father figure in your life need help finding his focus or increasing his calm? Then maybe it’s time to give him something that will kick off his meditation habit (and then keep it going). Some of the best meditation apps are subscription based, which makes them perfect for giving as gifts.
Try this: Subscription to Headspace
3. A productive read
Sure, you could get Dad the latest thriller, but why not give him a book that will deliver wisdom as well as enjoyment? There are countless inspirational books out there offering insights into how to be happier, healthier, and more productive. We (obviously) recommend delving into the positive psychology category for some great ideas.
Try these: The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky | Deep Work by Cal Newport
4. Noise-canceling headphones
You know “the zone”? That place of deep focus? That state in which you can get incredible work done, without getting side-tracked or distracted? Yeah, that’s pretty hard to get into when there’s a bunch of noise around. Noise-canceling headphones can help Dad get into his zone. And bonus, they’re also great for watching movies on long flights. Just saying.
Try these: Bose QuiteComfort 35 Headphones
5. Workspace-organization hacks
Here’s an idea: Go check out the man’s workspace. How’s it looking? Neat as a pin or a little cluttered? One easy way to improve productivity is to have a tidy workspace, so why not give him the gift of getting organized? Take a look at the problems that plague his space most, like tangled up cables. You might pick up some cable clips or a cable box as a gift. This is a great one if you don’t have a lot to spend, but it can still make a surprisingly huge difference in his everyday life.
Try this: Multicolor Cable Clips
6. Indoor plants
Plants don’t just make a space look tied together; they also help to purify the air. Studies have even shown that people feel their concentration and workplace satisfaction improves when they have greenery in their office space. Enough reasons to count plants on the list of good Father’s Day gifts? We think so. Try a hardy indoor plant like a philodendron; or for something more involved, even a full terrarium planter Dad can lovingly tend to.
Try these: Terranium Garden Display Case | Heart Leaf Philodendron
7. A Panda Planner
For all the digital tools in the world, there’s still nothing quite as effective—or satisfying to unwrap—as a stylish, leather-bound planner. (…though when we say leather, we mean vegan leather, because Panda Planner brilliantly uses eco-friendly and recycled materials.) Now, we’ll happily disclose that we’re affiliated with Panda Planner: These planners are engineered using positive psychology and neuroscience, so why wouldn’t we be on board? In our experience, the right planner can help anyone get organized.
Try this: Panda Planner Pro
8. A wearable fitness tracker
There have to be good Father’s Day gifts out there for the Dad who loves keeping in shape (or wants to get in shape). We’d suggest a wearable fitness tracker. He can track his activity, make sure he’s using his work breaks to move around, and, if you get the right one, even monitor his sleeping patterns.
Try this: Fitbit Versa
9. A productivity app
For the man who’s always organizing projects—whether it’s a business venture, a kitchen renovation, or a family holiday—life becomes much easier with the right productivity tools. So why not get Dad a premium subscription to an app like Trello, so he can run his projects right from his phone?
Try this: Trello App Subscription
10. Gifts for better sleep
Have you heard? Sleep is key to increasing productivity. Not only is that the perfect excuse to crawl back under the covers on a Sunday morning, it also opens up a whole extra category of good Father’s Day gifts. Because it’s not just how much sleep a person gets, but also the quality of that sleep. A few ideas? Some relaxing aromatherapy scents, an ergonomic pillow, or a good quality eye mask.
Try these: Aromatherapy Pillow Mist | 100% Silk Sleep Mask
11. A donation to his favorite charity
For the man who has everything, or even for one who doesn’t, why not simply give the gift of giving? Donating to those facing hard times is a reminder that we always have something to be grateful for. And since gratitude and kindness are science-backed happiness boosters, giving on someone else’s behalf means everybody wins.
Your turn: What tops your list of good Father’s Day gifts? And who are you celebrating this Father’s Day? Tell us in the comments.
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Author: Tania Braukamper
Tania Braukamper is an Australian-born writer and photographer. She believes in curiosity, kindness, and adventure as a state of mind.
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