You’ve probably heard about the benefits of yoga for lower back pain, especially if you’ve ever struggled with the nagging ache that follows you loyally into every single situation. (Can you tell that we have some experience with this?)
Truthfully, most of us are going to struggle with lower back pain at some point in our lives, so we might as well figure out how to deal. And it turns out that yoga is an effective and research-backed way to do that. How effective? Recent research suggests that yoga for lower back pain relief is as effective as physical therapy, especially if you’re dealing with chronic discomfort. And these results stick with you—the most comprehensive research found evidence that it helps in both the short-term and the long-term. So yeah, yoga for back pain works.
We know that not everyone can get to a yoga class every day. That’s why we put together a yoga flow that targets the back and fits easily into your schedule. Even if you’re not dealing with back discomfort, you’ll benefit from these poses and maybe even keep back pain from striking in the first place. So grab your mats (or towels or just a spot on the floor) and follow along with our certified yoga instructor, Theresa Church, for a short yoga sequence you can do anytime.
Yoga for Lower Back Pain: An Easy, 10-Minute Tutorial
Before you get started, let’s break down the what and why behind this yoga sequence for back pain. Theresa’s the best person for the job given that, well, it’s her actual job. Here’s Theresa:
I’m going to walk us through 11 standing and seated poses that focus specifically on the lower body and back. Rather than flowing through the poses quickly, you hold these yoga exercises for lower back pain relief slightly longer. This helps to bring awareness to the lower back, as well as a sense of strength and balance to both sides of the body.
I start the routine off with a short warm-up and intention-setting before moving into a series of standing postures, back strengtheners, and hip openers. Curious about the poses you’re getting into and why they help ease back attacks? Here’s more info:
- Downward Dog Pose: Strengthens upper back
- Mountain Pose: Promotes good posture
- Warrior II Pose: Opens the groin and releases lower-back compression
- Extended Triangle Pose: Tones inner thigh muscles, strengthens external rotation of the hips, and improves sitting posture
- Cobra Pose: Strengthens deep muscles in the spine
- Locust and Bow Pose: Tone and strengthen the entire backside of your body
- Happy Baby Pose: Massages lower back and sacrum
- Gentle Twist: Counter pose to backbends
- Pigeon Pose: Opens and stretches hips
- Corpse Pose: Relaxes your entire body
Whether you’re looking to finally kick the chronic discomfort or prevent it from happening in the first place, yoga for lower back pain has your back. (We know; we just couldn’t help ourselves.)
Your turn: Have you ever tried yoga for lower back pain? Tell us how it worked (or didn’t work) for you in the comments.
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is not intended to replace medical advice. Check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program and obtain full medical clearance before practicing yoga. Please follow proper warm-up and cool-down procedures before and after attempting the poses in this post. Positive Routines is not liable for any injury sustained while trying these exercises.

Author: Theresa Church
Theresa Church is a 200-hour certified yoga instructor living and teaching in Boulder, CO. Her classes focus on alignment, integrity, and curiosity in an environment that promotes self-love and a sense of humor.
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